Manuals and policy histories, 1949-2003.


Manuals and policy histories, 1949-2003.

Manuals and related policy histories, mainly 1975-1993, maintained in the division as a reference and regulatory library for the various programs it administered. These programs include County Administration, Energy Assistance, the Jobs program, Relief to Needy Indian Persons, Wisconsin Cares, Income Maintenance, Computer Reporting Network, Medical Assistance, Food Stamps, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children, and Child Support. The processed portion of this series is summarized above, dates, 1949-1999. There are additional accessions dating 1972-2003 which are described below.

9.4 c.f. (9 record center cartons and 1 archives box) and8 reels of microfilm (16mm); plusadditions of 10.5 c.f.

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